The Best Way to Clean Your Baby’s Teeth

The Best Way to Clean Your Baby’s Teeth

Aug 16, 2019
When it is the first child, parents wonder how to clean their baby’s mouth. As the baby is born, the first and foremost thing every parent do is to feed them. Similarly, it is important to clean their mouth also clean.
  • Clean your child’s mouth from inside with a warm and damp washcloth. Dentist in NW Calgary recommends massaging the gums with this cloth after each feed. This will protect your child from bacteria in the mouth.
  • As the teeth begin coming in, start taking care since then. If you do not take proper care of the baby teeth, it can lead to decay, gum infection known as gingivitis. This will affect the spacing of permanent teeth.
  • There might be chances of cavities and signs are discoloration and minor pitting. Leaving the bottle of milk in the mouth for a long time is the main cause of cavities.
  • Once the baby’s teeth have grown up, start brushing. Use a small slur of fluoride toothpaste and brush twice a day. A toothbrush can easily get in between the gums and cloth clean away all the plaque build-up.
  • It is important to regulate the intake of fluoride toothpaste as it leads to tooth decay. Consult the dentist in NW Calgary about the fluoride supplements once your baby is 6 months old.
As the teeth start coming in, it causes pain. Many parents ask the cosmetic dentist in NW Calgary how to relieve their baby from excruciating teething pain. The pain can be reduced by helping the teeth come along. One of the best ways is to brush and scrub the teeth so that they come in quickly. Find a dentist near you to take your child for the first dental exam at age 1 or as soon as first teeth appear. It is important to take good care of their first set of pearly whites. This will help in establishing good dental habits for years to come.